Advertise With Us

Turf Market is a classified website designed specifically for the turf industry and taps into IGFH’s established network of 10,000+ members. The site is an all-in-one solution that unites professionals in the turf industry with a keen interest to sell or discover equipment, machinery, courses, jobs, events, literature, and much more.

turf market logo

Turf Market is different from other turf marketplaces for two reasons:

  • Our listing fees are free with promoted listings being significantly lower than our competitors’
  • We offer the biggest range of listing categories, from jobs and courses to machinery and equipment

Average 500+ views per job listing

Our job listings are shared across our social media platforms (both International Greenkeepers for Hire and Turf Market), reaching thousands of potential applicants.

The number of views per job listing averages at 500+, with some exceeding 1,000, depending on the popularity of the position.

Website banners

From £100 per month, your banner can be featured on our website, giving you direct views and real backlinks which help improve website traffic. 

News and press

From £50 – All news articles and press releases will be shared across our social media platforms. Posts can include images, and videos and have a word limit of 2,000 words.

Articles will be sent to

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